So, today is my 35th birthday. I don't know why, but I never pictured myself actually turning 35. I suppose I thought Jesus would have come back by now. Not sure why I never thought I would see this day. Can you sense my excitement here? Nah, didn't think so. I don't know why, but I am having a hard time with turning 35. Maybe it's because I remember when my mom was 35 and I thought she was old (of course I was only 9 years old, but whatever....). I remember when my husband turned 35 six years ago. Somehow, he didn't seem to be bothered by it. I think that I may feel strange about this birthday because in my mind 35 is the dividing line between being young and actually being an adult. I never aspired to be an adult. I always wanted to stay in my early twenties and here I am all the way to 35. I have so many friends who are in their 40's, 50's and 60's and they all seem so young to me - what's up with that?
I guess there is nothing I can do except choose to be thankful for my 35 years experience in this life. I have learned a lot-- most of it the hard way. I have 35 years worth of experiences to teach my children from. I pray they learn mostly from listening and not always from failure. I am thankful 35 years worth of undeserved blessings from God. My life is a true example of God's grace and mercy. Even though I was saved at 14, only in the past 10 years have I really experienced true growth in my walk with Jesus. I pray that the next 10 years (45? Hang on I need to take a deep breath) will be a time of unbelieveable growth in my relationship with the Lord.
Last night I was trying to think of some of the major lessons I have learned so far in my life and I decided that there are so many I could never type them all out. Here are just a few:
*God loves me even though I have offended Him terribly at times.
*There is no need trying to cover my sin - God will uncover it - and then cover it with the blood of His Son Jesus, so I may as well 'fess up immediately
*If you eat a whole bag of Hershey's Kisses you will gain approximately 1 1/2 pounds by morning
*When you hit 33 your metabolism does not slow down - it stops altogether
*Hating someone makes you their servant
*When I hold onto my sin (guilt) I am telling Jesus that what He did on the cross was not good enough
*When I ask God to forgive me He actually does it the first time I ask - when I continue to ask forgiveness for sins He has already forgiven I display a HUGE lack of faith and in turn sin yet again
*I don't look good in really short hair (learned the hard way)
*I shouldn't judge people who make bad choices or do wrong things - if given the opportunity, I may do the same - afterall we are all weak in our flesh
*When we go to the far country, we come back changed forever
*I am no better than anyone else in the eyes of the God who made us all
*Big shirts only make me look bigger - fitted is much more flattering
*Hang on loosely to 'stuff' in this life - in the end it means NOTHING
*Don't defend yourself against negative attacks - Jesus never defended Himself
*Keep short accounts of sin with God - if I don't confess my sins immediately I will forget them, but God can't forget them because His son died for them
*Be thankful for the valleys, that is where my faith has been built
*No matter where I am or where I go, I am a reflection of God to others - I can be a poor relflection sometimes
*Sin is sin - my sins are just as ugly and vile to God as the sins of those who are on death row
*Never wear mules with pants that are too short
*Jeans that are too tight might squeeze in the bottom, but you will look like the Michelin man up top -- better to have looser fitting jeans than to look like a muffin
*Vanity and pride go hand in hand --- oh how vain and prideful I can be! ;-(
*True friends are hard to come by - fake friends are easy to make
*A single word can crush a spirit - I have been the crusher and the crushed - no fun either way
*I am not good at having babies - c-sections both times - doctor says my body is not made for pushing out babies - --I thought big hips were a good thing when it came to giving birth?
*It is better to be happy than to be right
*Men truly ARE from Mars (or some equally strange place)- I dont know where women came from - jury is still out on us
*You can be happy no matter what your stage or position in life
*Don't expect your children to act like adults and adults should not continually act like children
*My past sins do not determine who I am today in Christ
*"Cast all your cares on Him for He careth for you"
*There is nothing I can do to gain or lose the love of God