No, this is not a picture from last Christmas.

I know what y'all are thinking ........and I know it is a little early for the Christmas trees to be up, but I thought we needed a little Christmas cheer before Thanksgiving this year. Actually, the truth is that next week is really busy for me so I decided to bite the bullet and get the decorating done early (like about 3 -4 weeks early, but who's counting). If you look at the outside of my house it looks like fall, but it is definitely Christmas inside (we even have the CD changer filled with Christmas music and I have all my Yankee Mistletoe Candles out -I know....amaxing). I have to say that I hate my artificial trees (my nephew has asthma so we can't have real ones). I say every year that I am going to buy new ones when they go on sale after Christmas, but I never have any money left, so I have had these trees for 8 years. The good thing is that we will be moving into our new house before next Christmas (hopefully by April) and we will have much higher ceilings (one room has a 24 foot ceiling - the rest are 12 ft) so these trees will not look right - I guess we will be forced to get new ones now :-). The angel on top of the tree above is actually one of the things we bought on our first Christmas shopping trip. She is really beautiful even though you cant tell much about her from the picture. The problem with her is that regardless of the fact that she was not cheap (or maybe I am -not sure) she makes a little noise when she moves (a barely audible noise, but one that can be heard if all is quiet). Her arms move back and forth to make her wings look like she is hovering over the tree (even though she is actually sitting very uncomfortably on the top branch if you know what I mean). When we first put her on our tree in 1999, we were so excited to have people over to our house to see all our hard work and Christmas decor. One night while entertaining some friends we were all sitting in the living room where this tree is and someone said 'What is that noise?' Steve and I looked at each other and laughed and said "I dont hear anything." From that night on we have referred to that angel as Mrs. Ricketts (because the noise she makes is like a faint rrriiiiicccckkkeeettttt). I hope she lasts forever because we have had so much fun with that angel.
This Friday, my hubs and I will be making our annual Christmas shopping trip to Pigeon Forge/Knoxville, TN. We do all our shopping in 2 days. We are like maniacs descending on the malls - we know what we want and we don't fool around. We will be leaving Friday morning after taking Lake (my 6 yr old) to school and then we will drop Kaden off at Steve's mom and dad's then we are off on our adventure. We will be returning sometime VERY late on Saturday night (hopefully in time to iron church clothes and go to bed - yes, that late). We have done this every year since we have been married (this will be our 8th such trip). It is something we look forward to all year. Yes, Ladies, you read that correctly, I have a husband who loves to SHOP! Praise the Lord all who are reading. He gets as excited to see a mall as I do. Not only malls, but we go to all the other stores that I never get to go to with the kids in tow.
So, I don't care if you make fun of me (I have been made fun of before, actually I am pretty used to it). I am ready for it since our families come to our house for Thanksgiving, I will be hearing a lot of jokes I am sure. It's okay if you think these trees/decorations are tacky - but one thing is for sure, no live trees were harmed in the decorating of my house.

This may be a duplicate comment, so just delete it if it is!!!
You've inspired me to go ahead and decorate! I've been wanting to for about 2 weeks, and have talked myself out of it. :) I think know I'll at least do my dining room table and the mantle.
We are originally from Chattanooga and my sister lives up in Newport, TN so we know those Pigeon Forge outlets very well!! I'm a little jealous, in a godly way of course, that you're getting to go partake of all those deals!!!
Have a great time.
Oh, you do a beautiful job of decorating. Your home looks lovely! I too get a little excited for Christmas. We put the tree up usually the weekend right after Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful time with your husband...that sounds like a great tradition! My husband enjoys getting out & shopping a bit too so maybe we will be starting this up!
Well, I'm hoping no one says your decorations are tacky, because that first picture looks almost identical to my own tree ;-) Seriously, I love the gold and ivory. I'll have to post a picture of our tree when we get it up, which won't be until after Thanksgiving because I am kind of a stickler on that ;-) However, I will say that I understand why you might do it now before the CRAZINESS of the Christmas season arrives.
I'd also like to say that my husband loves to shop as well! I'm loving your shopping weekend idea. Sounds like so much fun! We usually take a day trip, but a weekend? Even better!
I love it! you have some good taste! I dont think I could do all of that! It is beautiful! Please do my shopping for me LOL!!!
Check you out! Way to get after it, Beth Anne! Your decorations and trees are so lovely!! Hope you have a fantastic, stress-free shopping experience.
Might I suggest ironing your church clothes on Thursday night? :)
I am SOOOOO impressed! I completely understand and wish that I had my tree up. I always do it the Friday or Saturday after, its just next week!!! YEAH!
I will be in Knoxville Friday and Saturday to take our kids to their 1st UT football game so I'll be thinking of you as you shop and I get trampled on by 100,000 people! may too though!
Seriously, have a blast! I think its awesome you can do that. Shop til you drop! Can't wait to hear about it.
Much love!
Well Done, Sis, Well Done.
We always start putting up our decorations on Thanksgiving Day afternoon. Helps us work off all the food!!
i love your organization. can i borrow you and your hubby. you seriously could go into business. everything looks very beautiful and festive. fake trees are great by me and if they are pre-lit all the better.
your new tall ceilings will allow for a big stately christmas tree/trees. i'm sure one will be on sale this year for next. we just got a store in our area called garden ridge? do you have them down there? they are running good sales right now on christmas trees. i'm tempted to buy a little one.
you've got me in the spirit. i love christmas.
mannheim steamroller happens to be in our cd changer for christmas we love them and have all their cd's. we were able to see them 2 years ago and it was beautiful.
my mom always says "i love when a plan comes together".
happy shopping you two.
i tagged you :) see my blog.
Tag you're it.
I think it is cool!
However, it is making me miss all the Christmas decorations I had to leave behind when I moved across the country. There just wasn't room for them. Funny but I didn't realize until just now how much I am going to miss them.
Hope you have a blessed Christmas!
I love your decorations! I really enjoy seeing everyone's tree. It's so neat to see the different personalities that come through. I want to do a post of our tree. Be sure to look for it in the future. :)
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