Just wanted to prove that my kids are unmarked and normal (well as normal as they can be considering who their mother is)
I would like to apologize in advance for the quality and subject (me) of this video. Am I the only one who hates to hear her own voice???? Or see herself on video???? Guess I have no future in the field of acting. At least this video is short....you will thank me for that later. Anyway, I hope actually hearing the accent and seeing me in motion does not make you think less of me......... hit play at your own risk.
Im so LOVIN these little Cuties in their matching outfits! plus you did a great job on the Halloween Biker...He looked just like the rough ones we have seen!
Congrats on the Upload! I knew you could do it!!!! You sound Just like a True Tennessee Girl...I'd think I was back @ home!!!
Dash looks sooooo authentic! We love his hair! And Mr. Harley Rider, what can I say, I'm shocked at my precious little innocent nephew! Someday when he gets older, don't say "he knows better than that!" Thanks for the "strike" through directions. Wow you look and sound just like I remember you!
for all the reasons that I love you this is one of them. you are so precious!!
The costumes are too funny! Love the little "Dash"..that boy has got some kinda hair. Lake looked vaguely familiar...he reminded me of "America's Most Wanted" the kid version, cool costume buddy. Like the new video add on...gotta go.
See ya
Well, my my my! Ya know I'm on bloggy "break" and for some reason I just HAD to check on my Beth/Bethanne/Elizabethanne!!!! And, look what I have found at the end of the post. A VIDEO!!!!!!
Of course I love it bc we sound just alike. ;)
Perfect and wonderful and so glad I could help out some girls with all my techy skillz!
Happy Sunday!
Love ya,
Okay first, he TOTALLY looks like Dash!! That's hilarious! Second, I love you even more now that I have "SEEN" what you're saying......(I'm clever like that...:)
And third....I have MISSED blog world and your blog especially, so this was a GREAT comeback!! ha!ha!
The boys look like they had a lot of fun dressing up. The tattoos DO look real and I liked Kaden's "muscles". Great job.
I love the TN accent on the video and you have a very pleasant sounding voice. Nothing to apologize for, at all, on your video.
You are a kindred spirit! How funny!
Hey...then can't you put together "multimedia presentations on a bigger scale?"
you sound like my friend ginger, who says "app uh lach in" for the Appalachian mountains.
if you say it that way than i need to let you know the rest of the u.s says
"app uh lay shin."
just letting you know I LOVE THE ACCENT, as long as you say appalachian
my way :-)
and your boys are too cute!
Loving the video!!! Your accent is like nothing I have ever heard before...Hee hee...considering we don't live too far apart..I guess you know I am kidding..I hear it when I open my mouth...I have enjoyed my blogging break...but planning on coming back soon...Much to share...
Love the costumes too!!! Adorable...I didn't know Dash was a cartoon? ; )
That's my girl, just like I remembered. I'm sorry, but I don't hear any accent. Are you suppose to talk funny or something?
YOu sound just like always to me. loving you bunches
LOVE the costumes, seriously the biker costume is so great!
And the video. This makes me smile so much. I think your voice rocks...and you look beautiful as always! Some day I just know we'll get to meet in person!
First: WOW!! That child is Dash in the flesh!! You so need to hook him up with Disney and let him earn a little $$$
Second: I LOVE THE VIDEO!!!! You and Fran are making me want to do this. :) Not sure if I could figure it out though! I always get the man to help me with that sort of thing. :)
Have a wonderful week
Please explain--"hairlip a billy goat"????? I am a northerner and I have NEVER heard that expression before!
Your boys costumes are great!! But I especially love the matching plaid shirts--just so cute!! I used to match my boys when they were that age--now it is hard to get them in the same picture as one another!!
have a great week!
Okay--ditto on all the other comments:
Love, love, love Dash! Wow, if they ever do a real-life version, your kid could win hands down. Did anyone ask him for an autograph?
I had a hard time understanding you on your video, though. Us gals from GA have a hard time understanding an East TN accent (NOT). You look and sound great! And, thank you for teaching me how to do the coveted "strike through"--good stuff. Keep 'em comin'!
I love the video! You sound completely normal to me!!!
another bloggy tip: you can replace 'strike' with 'del' and it will do the same thing!
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